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How to Save on Teenage Car Insurance in Georgia

Writer's picture: Athens Driving PrepAthens Driving Prep

Purchasing car insurance for teens is rarely cheap. These young, inexperienced drivers are more likely to be involved in an accident than any other group.

When parents want to get their kids behind the wheel to run errands or start the next chapter of their lives, finding ways to plan for this financial expense is crucial. Learning how to save money now will help when the time arrives for teens to start driving.

Here are the following ways to save on teenage car insurance in Georgia.

Every insurance company offers different terms and conditions with its policies. The information provided below is generally available, but you’ll need to speak with a trusted agent to receive specific information about your family situation and the coverage you want for your teen.

1. Take Driver’s Ed

Drivers Ed is one of the best ways to help reduce the cost of your teens car insurance, and help them to be the safest, most prepared driver they can be.

Insurance companies often provide discounts for new drivers that complete an educational program. It can also help give you the peace of mind knowing that your teen has the tools to keep themselves safe while on the road.

2. Get Good Grades

Encouraging teens to get good grades will help them pursue future college or vocational opportunities. This work will help to lower the rate that families pay when adding a teenage driver to the policy.

Most insurance companies want students to maintain at least a 3.0 GPA to receive this discount. If a teen makes the honor roll or dean’s list, that might help lower the rates even further.

3. Drive a Safe Vehicle

The car selected for teens to drive directly impacts the eventual insurance premium. Sports cars already pose a higher risk, so adding a high-risk driver causes costs to rise.

Some of the best cars for teenage drivers to keep teenage car insurance rates in Georgia lower include the Ford Taurus, Volkswagen Jetta, Honda CR-V, and Toyota Camry.

4. Use Telematics

Telematics is a way to keep teenage car insurance lower because it tracks their driving habits. You can speak with your agent to see if this device is available to install on your vehicle.

It provides data points on driving speed, braking habits, distance traveled, and how often they’re behind the wheel.

This data shows an insurance company that a teen driver is responsible while on the road. By proving good driving habits, the insurance costs can be lower.

5. Look at Student Away Discounts

If your teen driver is heading off to college, you can get a discount on your insurance if they don’t bring a vehicle. You can also let your agent know if your child is on a long trip or not driving for an extended time. Some companies might offer a discount in those circumstances.

You can also get a cheaper rate if your teen driver is behind the wheel for less than 25% of the time it is on the road in Georgia.


Hopefully these tips help you save some cash when insuring your teen driver. And while it can seem like a lifetime away, your child will be behind the wheel before you know it. Being prepared now before they start driving will give that extra piece of mind and an added bit of security knowing that they will be covered if they are ever involved in an accident. And while having car insurance can help you financially in an accident, our teen driving classes can help your new driver be prepared for anything they may face on the road.

At Athens Driving Prep, we go the extra mile by providing flexible learning programs for your students. If you want to learn from the best through our driving classes in Athens Georgia, register with us today!

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